
Stephanie Leigh was born and raised in Southern California where she began her musical endeavors. Following in her father's footsteps she began playing drums at a very young age and by her teenage years had performed with several local acts. Later her career would include bands such as:

* No Shame (CBS Records)
* Fair Game (Metal Mayhem Records)
* Flesh-N-Bone (featuring former Megadeth's
Jeff Young)

Rock Can-D (Emerald Press Comics)
The Party Girls (Bud Light Band-Superbowl

Other Projects Include:
* Writing, directing and co-producing of Rock Can-D's video, as well as the score and
the drum performance for the song, "State of Confusion."
* Drum and backing vocals for the songs "Somewhere in the Night" and "Blind Faith"
from the movie soundtrack, "The Bad Channel".

Awards and Achievements:

* Best female Drummer, 2004 & 2006
All Access Magazine Music Awards
* Co-host for “The G-Man Freakshow”
T.V Show - 10/06
* Guest host for “The Metal Scene”
T.V. Show - 7/06
* Best female Drummer 2002 "Rock City
News Music Awards"

Stephanie endorses:
Pearl Drums
Sabian Cymbals
Ahead Drumsticks
Electro-Voice Microphones
Warwick Drum Accessories
Symphonic Percussion

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